Feeding babies is rarely straightforward.
Many of our clients have heard stories from friends or loved ones about breastfeeding journeys that didn’t go as planned (even though they felt prepared ahead of time), or felt overwhelming. While it’s true that things don’t always go according to plan, it’s also true that compassionate, knowledgeable, professional help is available!
As our resident lactation counselor, Marlee is here to give you 7 more signs that mean it’s a good time to reach out for help.
If you missed our post 7 Reasons You Should See a Lactation Professional, start there! This is a follow-up with even more reasons it might benefit parents to get some professional lactation assistance.
When you’re in the thick of it, it can be so hard to know when is a good time to reach out for support. We understand.
If any of these things is popping up for you, it could be a great time to reach out for some personalized support!
Marlee Malone-Franklin, lactation counselor
From my experience providing in-home lactation support since 2014, here are 7 more reasons you should consider seeing a lactation professional:
1. You’re supplementing with pumped milk or formula and want to transition to solely nursing.
This is one of my favorite things to work on with families during lactation consults. Helping to make this transition from supplementing with pumped milk or formula to feeding only at the breast/chest can be so challenging if you go it alone, so reaching out to a lactation counselor to help you move toward that goal can be really helpful!
2. Pumping is confusing or painful.
Just as nursing your baby comfortably can take some practice, the same is true for pumping. A lactation professional can help you get your pump set up and sterilized, show you how it works, and help you figure out a comfortable way to use it. I also have tips and tricks to offer for parents who are experiencing pain during pumping, or who want to learn how to increase their pumping output.
3. Your baby is fussy.
Many of the parents who reach out to me for help have a fussy baby and want to know if feeding is part of the issue. Often I’m able to help parents figure out what might be going on and offer some insight into what can be done to help baby feel more comfortable. As an experienced postpartum doula as well, there is a lot we can work on together even if it seems that baby’s discomfort isn’t related to feeding.
4. You’ve gone to a hospital-based lactation clinic and still have more questions.
This happens more often than you’d think! Hospital lactation clinics can be a great place to get a weighed feeding (to assess how much milk the baby gets during one particular feeding), but unfortunately they can be pretty busy places… which means that often new parents don’t always get much time with a lactation consultant before their appointment is over and it’s the next family’s turn.
Aside from short visits, the other comment I frequently hear about hospital-based lactation clinics in the Orange County and Long Beach area is that parents feel the lactation consultants they’ve been seeing aren’t really listening to them. Often clients are given a handout with instructions that don’t really make sense for their situation. Families often feel frustrated by this, if not a little bit defeated.
In my practice, I take special care during in-home visits to offer a true counseling-based model of care. That means LOTS of listening! My primary goal is to understand where my clients are coming from, what their root concerns are, and then talk about ways to approach possible solutions to those concerns that will actually work for them. I understand that every family is different, so you won’t find cookie-cutter advice here!
I should also say that parents in this situation can by all means keep seeing the lactation consultants at their hospital clinic! Seeing a lactation counselor and lactation consultant can be a great way to create a team that can truly meet your needs during the early days and weeks learning to feed your baby.
5. It’s hard to get comfortable during a feeding session, or you’re only comfortable in one position.
Learning to feed your baby in your own environment can be challenging! I love coming into my clients’ homes and helping them to start feeling comfortable feeding their baby in different positions and in different areas of their homes. Sometimes showing a new parent how to nurse their baby lying down is a total game changer! It might sound trivial or like it should be easy, but after working with dozens and dozens of families, I can tell you it’s not. Calling on a lactation professional to assist you with this challenge can be amazingly helpful so you can feel more confident feeding your little one (and even get more rest!).
6. You have questions about what the next few months of feeding your baby might look like, and want to make a long-term plan.
I have a lot of knowledge and experience with infant development, and I love helping families plan for how their feeding journey may look over the next few months as their little one grows and changes!
From making a plan for going back to work, to helping parents know when is a good time to start introducing a bottle, to looking at what overnight feedings might look like in the future, we can map out goals and options for the coming months during a lactation consult.
7. You’re wondering if you’re doing it right.
Many of my lactation clients just want to know if they’re “doing it right.” It’s a totally normal feeling to need some extra confirmation, and I love to help families who are looking for a general “check-up” to make sure everything is going ok.
For these families, I love spending time in their homes, watching them feed their little ones, troubleshooting a bit if needed, and giving lots and lots of encouragement! Sometimes what parents really need in those early newborn weeks is validation from someone who is experienced, compassionate, and gentle that they’re doing just what their baby needs, with a few tips and tricks along the way.
Hearing a sigh of relief from parents who finally have some peace of mind after a lactation consult is one of my favorite things!